The Christensen Law Firm is dedicated to providing Utah motorcycle operators with information that will help keep them safe, provide a better riding experience, and help with any legal questions along the way.  The following is a list of links to articles, free reports, and free books that you may find beneficial.

The Utah Accident Book

Kenneth L. Christensen, founder of Christensen Law Firm, authored the book “Seven Biggest Mistakes That Can Wreck Your Utah Accident Case.”  This book breaks down the complicated insurance and legal jargon into plain English to provide readers with an understanding of their legal rights.  In his book, Mr. Christensen debunks common myths about accident cases, explains the settlement and legal procedures, and gives valuable advice on how to deal with insurance adjusters.  This book is free to all Utah residents.  To request your free copy, simply visit


“What Car Drivers Need to Know About Motorcycles”

Car drivers often fail to see motorcyclists on the road, especially when changing lanes.  This can be extremely dangerous for both vehicles involved, but especially for the motorcycle operator.  Automobile drivers tend to forget to keep an eye out for motorcyclists, which can cause the needless injury or death of many riders.  This article provides some quick tips for car drivers to help them avoid seriously injuring or killing motorcyclists on the road.


“Why Are Motorcycle Accidents on the Rise?”

Recent studies have found motorcycle accidents are increasing exponentially each year.  This trend is troubling for the thousands of Utah motorcycle operators who enjoy riding the open road.  This article breaks down these studies and analyzes the causes of the recent trend as well as what type of motorcyclists are most at risk.


Insurance Adjustors: Tips for Talking With Your Insurance Company

Many bikers fall victim to traffic accidents and begin the painful process of recovering from their injuries.  Sometimes, dealing with the insurance companies can be just as painful.  This free report provides detailed information on how to work with your insurance company after an accident.  The analysis informs readers on what is needed to obtain a rental vehicle, when to accept or reject the insurance company’s settlement offer, and when to avoid signing convoluted insurance papers.


What to Do After a Traffic Accident

Most commuters have been in an accident at some point in their lives.  Every accident –no matter how minor– is a troubling and shaking experience.  However, it is extremely important after every accident to remain calm and follow certain procedures to ensure your physical safety.  In addition, you want to make sure you take the right steps of calling the police, trading information with the other parties involved, and seeking medical attention.  This free report summarizes the important steps to take if you have been involved in a traffic accident.