Nationwide Law Prohibits Texting in Commercial Vehicles

On Tuesday, January 26, 2010, the U.S. Department of Transportation revealed a new federal ban that restricts all drivers of commercial vehicles from texting while driving. Commercial vehicles include semi-trucks and buses. KSL news reports that support for this ban is widespread-even in the big rig and bus industry. However, many people wonder why the texting restriction doesn’t apply to every motorist nationwide. Studies have shown that texting while driving is so distracting that it is even more dangerous than driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Anticipated Problems with Regulation of New Law

The punishment for the operators of commercial vehicles that are caught texting and driving is an infraction on their driving record and a $2,700.00 fine. While authorities hope this heavy fine may be enough to stop drivers from texting; however, many members of the Salt Lake motorcycle community wonder how this ban will be enforced. Drivers of big rigs are up so high-will police officers be able to see if a driver is texting. Others wonder why the operators of semi trucks aren’t already being pulled over for their weaving and cutting Utah motorists and motorcyclists off on the freeway. This reckless driving caused hundreds of motorcycle accidents with injuries and fatalities.

Utah Laws on Texting

Utah is among nineteen states that already have a law prohibiting texting by drivers of motor vehicles. On March 12, 2009, lawmakers passed House Bill 290 which makes texting or e-mailing while driving on Utah roads illegal. This law applies to any out of state trucks, buses, motorists and other drivers who enter into the State of Utah. The bill was also welcomed by most lawmakers and Utah residents as texting while driving has caused many fatalities and hundreds of traffic accidents each year. The punishments for texting and driving in the state of Utah are a Class B misdemeanor and the revocation of the guilty party’s driver’s license. If someone is killed in a car crash where the driver had been texting, the punishment is increased to a felony.
